
How To Promote Your Podcast

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You have a podcast you love and enjoy creating. 

Now comes the question, how do you promote it?

As podcast production experts at Jony Studios, we have the answer for you.

Quality and content play a big role in creating a successful podcast. You want to create a podcast that attracts attention and the way to do that is to make sure you are talking about something you enjoy. As for quality, it all depends on the sound quality and editing.

If you require professional help or advice with editing and producing a podcast, contact Jony Studios. We provide audio production services which will greatly increase your brand value and help you garner a large audience.

Hear a sample of our work here.

Below are a few tips and suggestions on promoting your podcast:


Some people get upset when they only have one episode to listen to when they start a new podcast.

Think of it as when you begin a new show. People generally want to see something which has a season or at least a handful of episodes to watch. 

The same principle holds when you are creating a podcast. Researched has shown that podcasters should at least have 3 episodes released on the launch day.

This will help your audience retain more information and get familiar with your style.


Creating and launching a podcast takes time and sometimes, money.

The first few weeks after the podcast is launched is extremely crucial. The first eight weeks not only decides your commitment to the podcast but is also crucial in deciding whether your podcast is noteworthy.


A few steps you can take to make your podcast noteworthy is by garnering attention by celebrating the small achievements such as a two-week anniversary.

You can grab potential viewers attention by:

  • Doing giveaways

  • Switching out your email signature from a personal one to one that describes you as a “Podcast Host” or “Podcaster”

  • Getting your podcast shared on social media by family, friends and co-workers/teammates


Social media is a powerful tool that can help your podcast gain more views.

Share your podcast episodes, clips from your podcast, blogs about your podcast, basically anything and everything related to your podcast.

Make sure to cross-promote your posts on all social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. But make sure to edit your post in terms of the platform.

For example, when you post on Instagram, make sure to use hashtags so people can find you. Use hashtags and tag people when you post on Facebook. And formulate a short update for your twitter.



YouTube is another social media platform where you can promote your podcast. This will double your exposure and give listeners another platform from which they can listen to your podcast.

All you need to do is convert your MP3 file into an MP4 file that is compatible with YouTube. Choose a picture of your podcast as the image for your video and if you want, add closed captions on your video so it’s easy for people to follow.

You can further promote your podcast by mentioning your website, other platforms from which listeners can access your podcast and giving a brief description of the episode and podcast in the description box.

Last but not least, you can also think of recording your podcast session with a video camera so people can see you as they listen as well. This will give the viewers something to watch and keep their attention on the content for a longer duration.


Many shows have started transcribing their episodes for a better SEO result and to highlight important parts of an episode.

Websites such as Rev provide transcribing services that can convert your audio into text for $1.25/minute.


This strategy is similar to mentioning a business or a person in a blog post. Every time you mention someone on your podcast, it gives you the opportunity to reach out to them and share the good news of featuring them on your show.

All you have to do is shoot them an email saying you mentioned them on your show and that you’d be honoured if they mentioned or shared your podcast on their social media. An example of a possible email by Neil Patel is “Hey I love your work so much so I linked out to you in my latest blog post. Check it out. P.S. If you shared it, it would make my day.”

This strategy will help you reach a wider audience. With every share you get, your podcast is presented to more potential listeners.



The success of a podcast is usually measured with the number of views you receive and through your podcast’s ratings.

So every time you record a new episode, make sure to encourage your listeners to share and leave a review for your podcast on the app. The higher your ratings are, the wider your audience will get.

You should also encourage your family, friends and co-workers to share and leave reviews for your podcast when it’s in the beginning stage.


Creating a tagline will not only give your audience a sense of consistency but it will also help in promoting your podcast.

Try recreating the tagline with your guest and use it as a trailer for the episode. This will ‘introduce’ your guest to the audience as well as work as a teaser without revealing too much information about the episode’s content.


Lastly, encourage viewers to leave their email when they visit your website. This will help you create a contact sheet for sharing newsletters and updates with your audience about upcoming episodes, guests, or giveaways.


Podcasts are fun to create and entertaining to listen to. They can be playful, informative and educational. It can also help build a community or bring people with similar interests together.

But in order to reach that audience, you need to know how to promote your podcast and this blog helps you do that.

For more tips on Podcasting, click the button below!

- By Neha Agarwala

If you need help making your podcast sound amazing, we offer podcast editing, mixing, and mastering services that can elevate your brand and clearly share your message.

Learn more about all of our podcast production services and hear a sample of our work here. We look forward to adding massive value to your podcast development process.


Create A Back Book Blurb That Sells

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Check out Jony Studios’ blog What Is A Back Book Cover Blurb And Why You Need It to know everything you need to know about a back book cover blurb.

The above-linked blog talks about how a back book cover blurb is specifically for the reader. It’s essentially a marketing tool used to convince the reader to buy your book.

And because of that your blurb needs to be clear and should meet the readers needs and expectations. Below are few rules to keep in mind for writing a successful back book cover blurb:


Keep your blurb within 250 words.

Readers read your blurb in a passing glance while deciding to buy a book. Anything more than 250 words will be off-putting and is probably a red flag for you.

If you need more words to convince a reader to buy, it’s a bad sign. Marketing relies on creating intrigue by saying only a few words. 


Just like any written media, the first line is always the thing that reels in a reader after the heading. 

If your first line or two are generic and boring, the reader will lose interest.

A few suggestions on what your first line could be are:



  • Ask the reader a question that will be answered in the book

  • Set a scene that might provide a character’s characteristics, describes the place the book is set in, etc.

  • State the reader’s problem directly. Similar to asking a question, speaking to the reader’s problem will give them an overview in one line of what the book will do for them.

  • Make the reader a promise. Guarantee the reader what they’ll be receiving from the book.


Finding a niche or creating something that stands out is usually what we wish to accomplish.

However, when it comes to a back book cover blurb, it is a good practice to give the readers what they want.

Consider a movie trailer. If you choose all the comedic scenes from a movie to put in your trailer but the actual genre is that of a thriller, it will confuse the heck out of viewers. The same applies to your blurb.

When writing your blurb, try remembering that book you bought based on the back cover and take influence from what attracted you to buy it. Incorporating these similarities will increase the chance of readers buying your book drastically.


As a creator, sometimes we lose focus on who the work is for. It is very easy to get lost in the story or idea.

While writing a blurb, always keep in mind who will be reading your book. It needs to be enticing, informative and should present a solution to a problem in some cases.


Fiction readers look for entertainment. 

Non-fiction readers look for solutions/information.


Try using bullet points that convey the solution/information provided in your book, reviews and endorsements for non-fiction books. It gives the book the certainty it needs to convince the reader to buy it.

Use paragraphs that describe the book, as a movie’s trailer would, for fiction. This gives the reader enough information to know the genre and theme of the book. It entices them to want to read further.


A back book cover blurb is a synopsis. It should only be giving the reader a peek inside what your book is about.

Similar to a movie trailer, only reveal enough to entice them into reading further. If you give away the goodies before they even open the book, what will they need to buy it for?


Today, books are available in almost every format. From print, ebooks to audiobooks, books today are accessible to every type of reader.

Always make sure to write a blurb that can be easily copied for every format. This means that your blurb should be scannable and easy to implement on a digital platform. 



These are the tips you will need to write the best possible back book blurb.

A blurb is one of the most effective marketing tool writers need to help sell their books. These tips will help you achieve that milestone.

Happy writing!

- By Neha Agarwala

If you need help turning your book into an audiobook, we offer audiobook production services that will help you reach a wider audience and increase your book sales. 

Learn more here and listen to some of our audiobook samples.