Self Development

10 Ways to Foster a Positive Hybrid Work Environment


Cultivating a positive work environment is the foundation to any successful business. If you have ever heard the quote “Happy Wife, Happy Life”, it’s pretty much the same idea except work version, like “Happy Employee, Good Productivit-ee?” or some variation of that. When people feel encouraged, accepted and happy, they become more motivated and perform better. A simple yet extremely effective formula to achieve in a workplace. Setting your team up for success, especially in hybrid settings, which let’s be honest, is the reality we live in these days, comes down to the emotional, intellectual, and physical ways you support them. Even the simplest things can create a good and enjoyable work environment, leaving employees feeling like more than just working dogs, but actual valued members of the company. 

Here are 10 tips to creating a positive work environment for your company:

1) Prioritize onboarding and training

There’s no such thing as starting too soon! Creating a positive work environment starts from the beginning when employees are first hired. Especially for those starting their new jobs remotely, onboarding can feel daunting, and if done poorly, can impact retention. Therefore, it is extremely important for managers to create opportunities for new employees to interact and be involved within the company culture. Strategies such as introducing an internal mentor/mentee system can help both junior and senior level employees get to know each other and find common interests. Additionally, implementing team socials, after hiring new employees, whether it be online or in-person, can allow for employees to interact with each other in a stress-free and casual environment which will ultimately lead to creating a positive team dynamic. 

2) Provide a suitable and comfortable work environment

Positive team dynamic is one thing, however, a good physical work environment is a whole other thing. Having a comfortable and adaptable work environment creates a positive work experience with many physical and cognitive benefits. A good work environment goes beyond providing regular breaks, a break room with vending machines, and an annual employee appreciation breakfast. Employees also need adequate support, training, resources and space to perform their job. Mood is also influenced by overall workplace conditions such as safety features, adequate lighting and comfortable temperatures throughout the building. For companies that have employees working from home remotely, it is even more crucial for companies to provide as much support as possible in creating an ideal workspace for their employees.

3) Trust your team members

An essential part of any successful team is transparency and honesty. This requires mutual trust and respect between employees and employers. In action terms, this means that when you delegate, really let go and let the individual own the task you gave them. You can also communicate trust by asking team members to make decisions on their own for their part of the project. At the end of the day, people act the way they are treated, so the best rule to stick by is to treat other people the way you want to be treated. As simple as that. 

Another effective way to generate trust is to see the people you are working from time to time in-person or even on zoom for a virtual coffee date. Having everyone turn their camera on can help everyone feel more connected and part of a team, and helps with clients as well.

To set yourself a part when working from home, upgrade your studio setup so you can look and sound your best in front of all your co workers and clients, allowing for better connection, which can lead to substantial business growth and employee confidence. We are experts at studio setup upgrades and can walk you through exactly what you need based on what you already have, and how to set it up properly (100% virtually) using our Digital Studio Setup package, contact us here to learn more!

4) Listen to EVERYONE'S ideas

Everyone on your team has great ideas, that’s one of the reasons you hired them! Take advantage of that individuality and diversity among your employees and listen to the ideas they bring to the table. Whether it be the newest hire or the longest employee, each brings different experiences and perspectives to the project that they are focussed on. Trust them and allow them to express themselves freely without judgment! Give the good ideas a try; you never know what might happen – other than the fact that the team becomes more invested in their work and the project outcome, for starters.

5) Conduct regular check-ins

It’s no surprise that people who enjoy what they are doing are more likely to do better work. Encourage that by checking in regularly with your employees whether it be work related, or even casual conversation. Having scheduled check-ins on a weekly or monthly basis allows for team members to feel included and involved in the work environment, it also gives managers a chance to review the work that has been done and provide feedback. In terms of remote workers, it’s no question that people get burnt out from time to time when they are sleeping, eating and working all under the same roof. Employees need to know they are being supported beyond the confines of regular 1:1 chats, especially if they’re used to being able to walk over to your desk and ask a quick question. 

6) Create opportunities for learning

Employees thrive on being stimulated and challenged from time to time and this wouldn’t be possible if there weren’t opportunities to learn new things. Providing either online or hands-on learning experiences increases work productivity and overall brain stimulation, which let’s be honest we all need at times. A company can save millions in lost productivity by making sure that employees have access to the information they need to do their jobs.

7) Show your appreciation

This ties in with having trust in your team members. People are often fuelled and motivated through receiving gratitude and appreciation from others. Employers need to make their workers feel like they matter in a way that gives their work a sense of purpose. Meaningful and honest appreciation can be done through creating a simple “shout out” group chat through the company's communication platform to acknowledge the hard work that employees have been putting into a certain project or task. This way, your employees can understand what they’re doing well, and do more of it. When people feel like they’re doing good work, they want to rise to the occasion even more. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. 

8) Protect employees physical and mental health

This is a two parter. Both working at home and working in the office can make people feel fatigued and burnt out at times, providing regularly scheduled breaks and opportunities for relaxation can go a long way. Companies can promote a more positive and relaxed workspace by encouraging employees to take periodic breaks, allowing them to customize their workspace, and organizing a staff outing, picnic or retreat. Additionally, if in-person activities are not a possibility, then sharing various resources with employees so they can utilize their breaks by participating in eye, breathing and stretching exercises to feel refreshed.

Companies should also work to create a culture that encourages employees to talk openly about how they feel, both with their coworkers and managers. Employee Assistance Programmes are a great way to address problems before they begin and create a work environment where employees are happy and healthy. Talking about mental health can also go a long way towards helping employees feel supported and happy at work. Poor mental health can often lead to sick leave, which negatively impacts your business and team. Don’t keep mental health in the closet. 

9) Promote diversity

An essential ingredient to a positive workplace is diversity. Not only does a diverse workforce make it easier to attract your industry’s best and brightest, but it also increases productivity and profits. Employees are naturally more comfortable, which opens the door for creative thinking and innovative ideas. Plus, when employees are happier with their work environment, they’re less likely to spend their time looking for another job. 

10) Be spontaneous and have fun!

Everyone wants to have fun at work — even though everyone defines “fun” a little differently. Fun happens when people feel well-connected with a team where there’s mutual respect, open communication, acceptance of who people are and everyone’s collaborating and working toward the same goal. When teams are working well together, it makes it easier to be spontaneous and have some fun – whether it’s a last-minute Happy Hour on Friday after a project launch, or a brief pause in the afternoon to tell stories and have a few laughs over topics that have nothing to do about work. Sometimes we all need a break from the seriousness of business.


Building high-performing teams hinges on the culture you cultivate, the hybrid work environment you create, and the relationships you build. Company work culture plays such a huge role in their employees lives, so it is crucial to any team that they create and maintain the best work environment they possibly can. And remember, whether you’re a team leader or team member, everyone plays a role in contributing to your work environment.

Written by: Rena Wu

We want to know your thoughts on how your companies have positively impacted your lifestyle, or maybe how they haven’t? Share with us in the comments below!


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11 Tips to Go From Artist to Entrepreneur

Artist | \ˈär-tist\ | noun

  1. a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination

Entrepreneur | \ahn-truh-pruh-nur\ | noun

  1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.


If you're reading this article, the chances are that you're familiar with the first definition above. Through countless studio hours, sleepless nights, and work-in-progresses, you've lived it. What you're looking to learn more about is the second definition. Luckily, as an artist, you're no stranger to taking initiative and risks, which are cornerstones of entrepreneurship, as described above. Below, you'll find 11 tips that will detail how to take the reins on your creative talents to build a long-term, prosperous career as an artist.



When starting out in the creative arena, it's essential to understand fully who you are as a creator and how you'll relay your identity to your audience. What drives you to create? What experiences got you to where you are today? Ask yourself the tough questions to help you determine the kind of art you'll produce and how it will link back to your identity as an artist. 

It's also crucial to clearly define yourself as an entrepreneur when getting started in the art industry. Making and distributing business cards with your name alongside the title of "artist" is a sure-fire way to get your name and creations in the public eye. 


After some introspection, it's time to do what you do best: create meaningful art pieces that resonate with the public. Consider selling small collections of your art to show consistency in your work and help you determine what's selling in the ever-changing art market. This way, you can build on past collections that garnered positive attention to reach more people, helping you grow. 


Although it can be immensely beneficial to make an Instagram account for your art, social media isn't enough. Building a website, an extension of you as an artist, is crucial in every creative industry. If done effectively, your site will give your audience insight into what you make and who you are. A hub with artist statements, a regularly updated blog, and most importantly, your portfolio will help you make a name for yourself in the art business.

Interested in building a site complete with a blog just like this one? Contact us; Jony Studios can help you bring your artistic endeavors to new heights with our website building services. 



Ensuring your art reaches its intended audience is imperative when building your career as an artist. Figure out who's buying your art, how much they typically spend, and how often they buy. Also, note how many people champion your art without buying it. Don't underestimate the power of individuals invested in your art, even if they aren't spending their money. This way, you can use your effort to display your art where the public will appreciate it. The best way to find your target audience is to let your audience find you. Display your art wherever and whenever you can so it can reach large groups of people at one time. Every time your art is on display, there's a possibility that your next client will be amongst one of the viewers.


As an entrepreneur, you must understand your art's intrinsic value and quantify it into a price. This can be difficult as art is defined by much more than its price tag. However, many artists have gone through this very struggle and developed formulaic methods to price their work. The main elements to consider are:

  • Cost of materials

  • Cost of overhead (studio rent, utilities, maintenance, etc.)

  • Cost of labor

  • Markup (recommended amounts range from 10-20%)



Sitting around and waiting for exhibits to come to town will do you no good as an artist wanting to break through in the industry. Reach out to local galleries to have your art displayed, submit articles to various art blogs and journals, or host an open studio day. You could even get in touch with interior designers and have your art featured in hotels, office buildings, and restaurants. Time spent hoping an opportunity will present itself is time you could spend creating your own.


If you show your customers that you value them, they’ll make an effort to see the value in your art. Give exclusive offers to people signed up to your mailing list or release special edition art collections to new customers. Even just interacting with your audience in the comments section of a blog post shows them you care and that you’re worth investing in, not only with their money but unwavering support. 


Surrounding yourself with the right people can make all the difference when starting as an entrepreneur for your art. Building connections with local journalists and art collectors can ensure that the public will know about your art whenever you wish to display it. Even by helping others out, you may be exposed to new opportunities to have your work featured or be interviewed by the press. The bottom line is to expand your network, not only to make the most sales but to have a support system of people in your niche to help you when you’re down and to amplify your success when you’re up. 


Although finance and art may seem like opposite ends of the career spectrum, keeping your records organized will save you countless future headaches. Staying on top of your expenses and revenues can help you budget effectively when buying materials or renting out studio space. Many websites even offer webinars specifically for artists trying to navigate the world of finance. If you can spend less time stressing about money, you can spend more time crafting art pieces. 


You must set realistic goals if you want a long-term, prosperous career as an artist. After doing so, develop systems you can implement daily to help complete your objectives. Asking yourself questions like “What percentage of my art should I sell to be profitable?” will help you determine how many hours you’ll spend in the studio every day. For example, if you want 50% of your art to be purchased, you’ll need to make double the amount you hope to sell. Make your business plan, follow it, then tweak it accordingly to ensure your goals are still relevant and attainable.


Begone with the stereotypes of the carefree artist. If you decide you want to make a business out of your art, you need to remain dedicated even when the chips are down. When your exposure is low, create an opportunity to generate buzz around your work. If you didn’t meet your expected sales for the first quarter, calculate the additional revenue you need to earn across the next three to diffuse the loss. Some customers may not even buy an art piece until years after they see it since it may take that long for them to realize they connected with it. It’s always better to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach than quit. 



Deciding to get serious about your art can seem like a daunting decision, but by no means does it have to be. Building connections, creating impactful pieces, and making opportunities for yourself are all ways you can steadily elevate your art business. With these 11 tips in your arsenal, we hope you realize creative success can be yours. 

Still looking for more help to kickstart your creative career? Maybe you’ve already found your footing but want some assistance fine-tuning your approach. Wherever you are in your art-trepeneurial journey, Jony Studios can help. Our services range from brand consulting to website development to SEO. We’d love to help you be the best art entrepreneur you can be!

Written by Midhat Mujaddid

Are you going to try any of these techniques with your art business? Do you know an artist who could use some of these tips? Let us know in the comments below!

If you’re wanting to learn more about business, media, and music production, we are developing a course called Producer Launch that will take you from beginner, all the way to knowing how to become a successful producer for a living!

Sign up here to be notified when it launches for an exclusive 50% off!


Why Personal Branding is Important

There’s just no escaping it; branding is everywhere. Of course, you’ve heard of Nike, Apple, and Tesla, but there’s another type of branding on the rise: personal branding. While there seems to be another marketing trend every new moon, personal branding is here to stay and can take your business to new heights if approached correctly. So, what is personal branding anyway? Why is it so important? How can you start developing your own? Read on to learn more.


Think of some of the biggest brands you know. Chances are they’ve clearly established their beliefs, values, goals, and purpose to their target audience. Now take that idea and turn inward. That’s how you should be approaching your personal brand. Rather than focusing solely on the products or services you provide, personal branding refers to your public persona and how you communicate with your target market. Looking for more on personal branding? Watch this 5-minute personal branding rundown.


Let’s take Elon Musk for example. While he’s best known for his innovative work with Tesla and SpaceX you can’t ignore the outlandish stunts that have made him a public figure in his own right. By bending societal norms in his personal life as a visionary albeit eccentric individual, Musk is associated with his brands that push the limits of what humanity is capable of.

Want to see more personal brands in action? Check out this list of 18 personal brands done right.


As credible information is getting diluted with sensationalist content, personal branding is now more critical than ever. Communicated by the EAT algorithm used for SEO, sharing your expertise with an audience allows you to be perceived as the go-to authority in your arena. In turn, you gain the trust of your target market, who will come back to your company anytime you release new products or offer unique expertise. Just by putting a face to your company via your personal brand, your recommendations may be 92% more trustworthy than recommendations from your company as a whole.


If curated effectively, your personal brand will be memorable and tell the world that they should choose you over your competitors. By putting your best traits and strengths out for your audience, you’ll be exposed to new niche opportunities relevant to your most substantial assets. Through these unique experiences, you’ll also be able to build relationships with well-known brands in your industry.

By taking the reins and building your own personal brand, you control your public perception. Rather than allowing mystique and possible misinformation to dictate your persona, which is becoming increasingly frequent in the age of social media, you can consciously present yourself in alignment with your values and goals.


Now that you know what a personal brand is and why it’s crucial to build your own, here are five tips to help you present yourself effectively online.

1) Find your niche

To build your personal brand, you must identify the arena in which you want to operate. By setting a clear area of expertise, you’ll be able to focus your energy on specific content rather than providing lots of low-quality information for variety’s sake. Sticking to what you know will save your time and energy and ensure your audience receives quality information from you. Want to learn more about finding your niche? Here’s a 5-step guide to get you there.

2) Be authentic

Although curating your public persona involves putting forward your best traits, you should never feel pressured to act like someone you aren’t. Putting on a character hoping to seem like an expert in your field will almost always backfire as you may fail to keep your brand consistent. Also, the chances are that your audience can see through the façade, lowering your overall credibility. Instead, consider using your weaknesses to your advantage to set yourself apart.

3) Work on your online presence

With 65% of people seeing online search results as the most trusted source of information about companies, working on your online presence is essential. Ensuring you have a consistent personal brand image through a logo and communication style is a good starting point for your brand. Also, consider making a website for your brand in addition to your social media accounts. If you want a website like this one, feel free to reach out. We have worked with many clients, making effective websites that can help your brand grow! Creating a website for your brand ensures that you own the information you share as opposed to Instagram or Twitter, which are platforms that limit the ownership you have over your content. Through a website, you can also start a blog and tap into email marketing which can increase customer retention.

4) Reach out to other well-known brands

Although one of the primary uses of personal branding is to set yourself apart from the competition, working with other companies in your niche can be immensely beneficial. Interacting with well-known brands online through social media, blog posts, or direct communication can also help others see the value in connecting with you, thereby building your network.

5) Believe in your brand

Personal branding is, without a doubt, a labor-intensive process and can take a few tries to get right. Like most things, however, consistency is key, and it’s essential that you don’t lose sight of how your company will benefit from your personal brand being perfected. Even if it seems like your efforts aren’t paying off, it’s important to recognize that making a lasting impact on your audience takes time. After all, it takes five to seven impressions for someone to remember a brand.

6) BONUS TIP: Let Jony Studios help you build your personal brand

Whether you need help getting started or want to fine-tune your existing personal brand, we can help. Our brand consulting services can help you with brand identity development, positioning, brand videos, podcasting, and even audiobook creation. At Jony Studios, we recognise that building a personal brand is no small feat, and we want to help you every step of the way.



Taking charge of your personal presence is an essential step in helping your brand reach new heights. The moment you put a face to your company, you have the chance to extend your reach through interactions with your audience and other brands, stand out in the sea of competition, and increase your credibility. Although it can take some effort, this guide can hopefully help you build your personal brand and help your company grow.

Written by Midhat Mujaddid

Did you learn a new tip about building your personal brand? Was there anything that surprised you? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!