
14 Key Elements of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement plays a crucial role in an organization’s success. Every business leader aims to ensure their employees are dedicated to the organization and putting in their best efforts. However, this is not always an easy task. Encouraging employees to be engaged in their work and remain committed to the organization requires addressing various factors.

A high level of employee engagement can drive prosperity and serve as a tool to attract top talent. So, you might wonder, how do I enhance employee engagement in my workplace? Before we dive into that, let’s look at what employee engagement is and why it’s so important.

What is Employee Engagement and Why Is It Important?

Employee engagement is a measure of an individual’s mental and emotional connection towards the organization they work for, their team, and their work. Employees who are engaged usually exhibit a high degree of commitment, productivity, and positive impact on the organization’s culture.

The levels of employee engagement are:

  • Highly engaged employees

  • Moderately engaged employees

  • Barely engaged employees

  • Disengaged employees

Reaching a highly engaged employee level is important as this indicates an organization is thriving, successful, and a great workplace. Maintaining a high level of engagement is crucial as it lowers absenteeism and turnover, boosts productivity and customer satisfaction, and promotes employee well-being. With that in mind, we have highlighted 14 key elements of employee engagement below.

1) Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment is the level of loyalty an individual feels towards their job and organization. A highly committed employee has a strong connection to their team and firm and will contribute more to the organization’s success. These individuals possess a strong inclination to help their organization succeed.

The level of organizational commitment is influenced by multiple factors including job satisfaction, culture, management, and more. We will further outline some of these factors below.

2) Company Culture

Company culture reflects the norms, values, beliefs, attitudes, and standards of an organization. A company’s culture is key to employee happiness and motivates them to come to work every day. Employees are more engaged in their work when they are surrounded by a welcoming and positive environment as opposed to one that causes stress. Moreover, employees are even more engaged when their personal beliefs and values align with the company culture.

It’s imperative to recognize that ensuring cultural diversity is a key element in company culture. This underscores the company’s commitment and values towards diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). A diverse and inclusive workplace impacts employee recruitment and loyalty. With the rise of DEI, incorporating this into your company culture will foster trust, enhance reputation, nurture empowerment, and stimulate innovation.

If you find your company culture is not conducive to fostering employee engagement, it might be time to conduct a thorough analysis to pinpoint the underlying issues. Are there specific aspects missing, or is there something inherent in the culture that’s reducing employee engagement? Sometimes minor corrections to company culture might suffice and other times a complete change in culture is necessary.

3) Meaning and Purpose

As most of us can understand, finding purpose and meaning in what we do makes a tremendous difference in our careers. Thus, ensuring you provide meaningful work for your employees is a key to employee engagement. Employees who perceive their contributions as impactful are more likely to be committed to the work they do.

Demonstrating to employees the meaningfulness of their work requires communicating how their efforts contribute to the larger picture. How does their work make a positive impact on the company? It’s important to provide employees with opportunities to grow within their roles and expand the impact of their work. This will contribute to a stronger sense of purpose in the workplace.

4) Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the biggest factors contributing to employee engagement. It’s evident that an employee who isn’t happy with their job is unlikely to stay in it for long. Multiple factors contribute to job satisfaction including the work itself, the company, management, coworkers, opportunities, etc. Ensuring all of these aspects are providing sufficient benefits to the employee will help to increase satisfaction and thus the commitment to the role. We will outline some of these factors later in this blog.

5) Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the belief that businesses have a greater responsibility to society than just generating profits. CSR goes hand in hand with a company’s culture as it aligns with its values. Employees who feel strongly about CSR and its effect on the community are inclined to be more engaged if their workplace shares similar values. Conversely, if you are not engaged in CSR, you will likely see your employees exhibit a low level of engagement. Employees care about what their company is doing and value opportunities to contribute to the community in their work, whether directly or through supplementary opportunities like volunteering. Employees who can participate in CSR at their workplace are twice as engaged compared to those who can not.

6) Management/Leadership

The management and leadership in an organization is very important. Employees seek to form meaningful relationships with leadership. Those who hold their leaders in esteem are more likely to listen to them, take direction, and thus be more engaged in their work. Additionally, management plays a pivotal role in shaping company culture, promoting CSR, and other crucial aspects. Thus, ensuring a strong leadership team is very important.

A leadership team that demonstrates care for their employees, treats them with respect and values their opinion, contributes to strong employee engagement. It’s important to take a look and examine your leadership team to spot anyone who may hinder employee engagement.

7) Career Advancement Opportunities

Engaged employees place importance on learning new skills and expanding their knowledge. A company’s high-performing employees are interested in progressing within the company and finding opportunities for career advancement. If employees perceive a lack of opportunities for career advancement, they may not be motivated to invest efforts in their role. Thus, it is important to make career opportunities clear from the start. If an employee does not feel like the company will provide them with opportunities to move up, they will easily find another company that will.

Hence, it’s important to talk about promotions, learning opportunities, and more early on when hiring new employees. Demonstrating your commitment to professional development can be achieved through programs, opportunities for mentorship, conferences, courses, and more. Providing avenues for career advancement will foster commitment to the organization.

8) Flexibility

Nowadays, workplace stress is a big factor influencing an individual’s job satisfaction and commitment. Work-family conflict is a big contributor to workplace stress. With many individuals having children, parents to take care of, or other commitments, balancing work and family life can be a difficult task. Workplaces must make this easier for their employees by providing flexible options. This includes flextime and flexplace work arrangements that allow employees to work from home or to have flexible hours.

These initiatives demonstrate an organization’s concern for its employees, reflecting its values and culture which ultimately influences an employee’s satisfaction on the job and consequently their engagement.

9) Communication and Honesty

Effective communication is a key element of employee engagement. Employees crave an environment where they can communicate openly with their managers, feeling valued, involved, trusted, and listened to. If there isn’t strong communication between employees and management, there will be a lack of engagement. Communication allows employees to feel included in the firm and thus deepen their organizational commitment.

A key to communication is honesty and transparency. Employees don’t want to hear about company news through the grapevine. It is important that they can hear what is going on, good or bad, from leadership. If they feel like things are being hidden from them, they won’t feel like they are a true part of the company and this can ultimately affect how engaged and committed they are to the firm.

10) Equitable Pay

Salaries can be a very sensitive topic but it is a very important one to most employees. It’s important that employees feel fairly compensated for their work, and know what the company is looking for when considering promotions. This is important for employees looking for career advancement opportunities.

Transparency is very important when it comes to salary. Companies can achieve this by sharing salary ranges for job postings. This reinforces a culture of open communication and transparency which we have established as a key to employee engagement.

11) Recognition & Rewards

Employees are unlikely to demonstrate high levels of motivation and engagement if they aren’t recognized for the work they put in. 86% of workers admit that recognition in the workplace is a major driver of motivation.

Recognition can take various forms including thank you cards, employee of the month awards, verbal recognition, and tangible rewards or gifts. Having these positive consequences to an employee’s hard work will set a standard for what is recognized within the organization. This will act as positive reinforcement and encourage the behaviour to continue.

Developing a good rewards and recognition system allows employees to differentiate what behaviour is considered “good” and “bad” in the eyes of management.

12) Encourage Learning

It’s easy to stay stagnant in your role but there’s always so much more to learn. Employees that are committed to learning more, are likely more engaged in the work they do. A key to learning is an organization that encourages learning and provides employees with the resources to do so. Starting a B2B podcast for your company can be beneficial for employees to learn more from industry experts in your niche, while at the same time growing your business to allow for more opportunities.

This can be through offering courses, and certifications, deploying a virtual knowledge base for all employees, and simply creating a culture that promotes learning and growth. Employees who continue to learn can do their jobs more effectively. It will also demonstrate the company’s commitment to the individual’s development and not just the bottom line of the firm.

13) Digital Experience

As new technologies evolve, it becomes increasingly imperative for companies to integrate them into the workplace. Enhancing technology infrastructure facilitates a smoother and more seamless experience for employees, enabling them to focus more on their core tasks and thereby enhancing productivity.

Moreover, a robust digital experience facilitates improved digital onboarding and training functions. It also opens up opportunities for remote work, enabling employees to connect with the company from any location easily. As previously mentioned, this flexibility improves employee engagement.

Adoption of tech broadens the possibilities for a firm allowing them to make their processes more efficient and provide better resources to their employees. Especially with the younger workforce, acknowledging and incorporating modern technology will help to attract new talent and demonstrate a firm’s commitment to innovation.

14) Feedback

Feedback is crucial in any organization. For an employee to improve, they need to know what they are doing well and what can be improved on. It can be hard to give and receive constructive criticism but it is important.

Employees that actively seek feedback, are naturally more engaged in the work they do. Moreover, when firms provide effective feedback, it enables employees to refine their skills and make meaningful contributions to the organization.


Commitment to the organization is the end goal. A committed employee not only finds satisfaction in their job but also resonates with the values of the firm, fosters strong relationships with management, and embodies various other positive attributes. However, reaching this point will not happen overnight. It takes time and effort to solidify employee engagement across a firm. Now that we have outlined these key elements, it’s time to ask yourself, what next steps will you take to increase employee engagement in your firm?

Written by Kaitlin Duong


Jony Studios is a client-focused media production studio offering audio/video production, B2B podcasting, and audiobook services. They have worked with a wide range of clients from small businesses to larger organizations such as Penguin Random House, Amazon, University of Waterloo, Freakonomics Radio and many others.


17 Tips to Build Your Social Media Presence

In today’s digital world, having a strong social media presence is increasingly important for both brands and individuals. Social media serves as a great tool to build brand awareness in the consumer’s mind. Without a presence on these platforms, you may be at a disadvantage compared to competitors who are leveraging social media marketing.

Building a strong and successful social media presence can pose a challenge amidst the ever-growing array of social platforms and mounting intricacies.

Building a presence transcends merely posting an image with a caption. It requires a strategic approach intertwined with creativity and a true understanding of your brand to cultivate brand recognition. We’ll start by defining what a social media presence entails and its importance.

What Is a Social Media Presence and Why Is It Important?

A brand’s social media presence represents their visibility and engagement across various social platforms. It involves building genuine relationships with consumers and establishing online communities. A strong online presence can help to deepen connections with existing customers while reaching out to new ones.

With over 4.95 billion social media users across the globe, this represents a substantial opportunity to broaden reach and visibility for any brand. The use of social media can be pivotal in creating trust and credibility with the consumer, cultivating genuine connections, and expressing your brand’s values and personality. All of these elements can work together to drive brand awareness and foster a positive brand image, allowing for growth.

It is important to note that a social media presence isn’t something that can be created overnight. It requires a strategic mindset and a well thought out plan to achieve optimal outcomes.

With that in mind, we have put together 17 tips to help you build and grow your social media presence.

1) Pick the Right Platforms

With a growing digital landscape, there is a vast array of social media platforms that you can use. However, don’t let this overwhelm you, and don’t try to get famous on every platform. Understanding your brand, your audience, and what platform will best align with these is essential.

For instance, if your brand focuses on creativity and artistry, platforms such as TikTok or Pinterest that allow for creative content would be most suitable. On the other hand, for a sophisticated, established business, platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook may be more appropriate. Nevertheless, it is important to conduct research to identify which platforms best align with your brand and where your audience is most active.

If you use Instagram as one of your platforms, consider some of the best video editing apps to create your Instagram reels.

2) Identify Your Audience

Effective social media marketing relies on your ability to identify your audience. Understanding your market allows you to choose the most suitable social media platforms and effective strategies.

For instance, if you are targeting younger consumers, platforms like Instagram and TikTok would be ideal choices. Statistics show that for Gen Z, 75% are using Instagram as their main platform and 69% on TikTok. On the other hand, if you are targeting older consumers, you may consider platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

Knowing your audience can also help you develop appropriate strategies. For example, Gen Z consumers prefer personalized content and influencers. So, if Gen Z is your audience, leveraging influencer marketing can help establish connections between the consumer and your brand.

3) Make People Aware You Are On Social Media

Sometimes it can be hard to grow a following on social media when you first start. It can be even harder if no one knows where to find you. Make sure you link your social media to your website, email marketing, etc. so that your current consumers are aware of your accounts.

4) Set SMART Goals

SMART goals are:

● Specific: Give concrete targets (followers, views, shares).

● Measurable: quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.

● Achievable: Are your targets realistic?

● Relevant: Do your KPIs (key performance indicators) measure engagement?

● Time-Based: Set a fixed point for assessing campaign success.

Setting smart goals will allow you to keep track of what you want to achieve, set realistic timelines, and ways of measuring success. Any successful brand or social media personality has likely set SMART goals to reach the point of success that they desire. Setting goals will hold you accountable and help turn your aspirations into realistic objectives.

5) Create An Editorial Schedule

Creating a content calendar is so important to ensure timely posts. Balancing running a business can be stressful as is. Keeping a calendar will allow you to track when you are going to post, what you are going to post, and on what platform. It will hold you accountable and prevent you from forgetting to make a post. This is also a great way to track and look back at previous posting schedules.

Using a calendar tool like Sprout’s will allow you to streamline your social media planning and scheduling.

6) Be Human

Regardless of the platform you are on, it is imperative to be real, honest, and authentic. Consumers want to feel like they can connect with the person behind the brand. Companies that fail to convey their personality through social media risk appearing cold and ingenuine, which can deter consumers from the brand. Think of ways you can incorporate fun posts like “behind-the-scenes” content of what goes on in the company. This shows viewers the real people behind the seemingly impersonal brands they encounter.

Take Duolingo, for instance. They are a great example of how a brand has effectively leveraged TikTok and created videos showcasing their playful personality to engage with consumers. They have been so successful that they have even made a lasting impression on non-Duolingo users.

7) Leverage Trends

Trends are constantly changing across social media. It is important to stay up-to-date and take advantage of their popularity. Jumping on the right trend that aligns with your brand can lead to viral posts and help you gain exposure. This not only aids in reaching new customers but also shows your current consumers your brand personality.

Consider Chipotle as an example. They are a great demonstration of how a brand utilizes TikTok to showcase a variety of posts ranging from hacks to promotional content to trends. With ASMR videos being very popular, they leveraged this trend and made an “ASMR” video of their Chicken Al Pastor, which they recently brought back to stores.

With podcasts on the rise, this can be another great way to leverage content creation and get personal with your brand as a business. You can use a white glove B2B podcast partner to help you network with your ideal potential clients, while at the same time building an audience in your niche to close more deals easily. They can help manage and create written SEO, video, social, and audio content from each episode to drive more people to your website and increase sales.

8) Make Use of Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words. Graphics can grab the attention of consumers when they are mindlessly scrolling through social media. Ensuring you use visuals in your posts, like images, videos, infographics, etc., can help your post stand out. Once you grab the attention of the viewer, they can go further to read your caption if they are interested. Don’t underestimate the importance of visuals in having a strong social media presence. It is noted that people will retain 80% of what they see, only 20% of what they read, and 10% of what they hear. Below is an example of a visually appealing social media feed for the brand, Pleasing.

9) Stay Active

Post, post, post! It’s not enough just to create a social media account; you must be active to maintain awareness. Finding a balance between staying active and not posting too much is crucial. Discover the right balance between the frequency and timing of posts. This comes with time! You may start to notice patterns the more you post.

Remember to also stay engaged with your followers. Respond to their comments, share their stories, like their photos, and be responsive to direct messages. This level of interaction can foster loyalty and a sense of connection.

With the overwhelming amount of social media activity that can occur, it can be hard to track and keep up with everything. Using a social media listening tool can streamline this process and collect all relevant online information about your brand on a centralized platform.

10) Be Engaged With Your Audience

Many people will see your content, but it is those who engage with and interact with it that are so important. In order to foster an interactive environment with your consumers, you need to show the person behind the screen. This doesn’t necessarily mean posting a picture of yourself, but allow your personality to come through in your posts. This creates a friendlier and more interactive environment. Respond to comments, ask questions, and prompt your viewers to engage with the brand. This will create meaningful experiences and grow genuine engagement.

11) Don’t Try To Oversell

Trying to push and close a sale may be appropriate in certain situations, but not on social media. Social media should be used as a medium to help grow your brand and its awareness. Pushing the hard sell on these platforms is likely to steer away consumers. They want a brand that is genuine and truly cares about their concerns. Focus on social media to engage with the consumer, offer useful tips, answer their concerns, etc. By showing that you care through social media, this can drive sales in other aspects. A push for sales through social media can come across as bold and intrusive.

12) Track Engagement

It’s great if you are creating fun content and have a good posting schedule going, but you need to know how your posts are doing. Tracking the success and engagement of your posts is a great way to identify what is working and what is not. This will allow you to plan future posts and strategies based on past trends and what has been effective. Using a platform such as Sprout Social, Hootsuite, etc. can provide you with a platform that summarizes engagement data, allowing you to draw key insights and patterns to inform future strategies.

13) Give Users A Reason To Follow You

Potential followers need a reason to follow you! People don’t want cluttered feeds, so they will only follow someone or a brand if they have a reason to. Whether you post exclusive content, tips/tricks, or special sales for your followers on certain platforms, these can all act as incentives for people to follow your account.

14) Host Giveaways

Giveaways are very popular on social media and are a great way to engage and interact with your customers! A lot of brands will ask contest participants to follow them, like a post, leave a comment, share their story, or some combination of these, in order to enter the giveaway. By doing so, the brand is getting people engaged with their page, increasing their awareness, and giving a chance to try their products. This is a great way to create an experience for followers that will create a positive association with the brand.

15) It’s Not All About You

It’s important to post about your brand, what you’re doing, and content that you have created. While doing this, you have to remember that social media is about you and the other person viewing your page. Make sure the followers know you care about them and see their posts on social media. If a follower makes a post and tags you in it, you should like it, leave a comment, or share it on your story. It shows your followers that you are engaged with them, shows authenticity, and makes them feel valued. This helps to foster an online community and relationships.

16) Generate New Ideas

It’s important to stay relevant and capture the attention of your followers. Don’t always share the same thing over and over. This can get boring and lead followers to avoid your account if they know you always post the same thing. Make sure to incorporate innovative, new, and exciting posts that can capture the interest of your followers. Keep in mind that consistency is still key. That is, come out with new content but maintain consistent branding and messaging throughout to send a uniform message across all your posts.

17) Learn from your mistakes and successes

It’s okay to make a mistake! Starting a social media presence can be a hard task, and you will likely see failures and successes along the way. It is important that you take those failures and learn from them to improve your strategies moving forward. Also, make sure to identify what is working. You may notice that your consumers are more receptive to certain types of content. You want to make note of this so you can continue to utilize effective strategies. Social media listening tools like HootSuite and Sprout Social can be helpful in measuring your performance and identifying what is working and what is not.


It takes time to build a strong social media presence, so don’t get discouraged. Stick to these tips and learn from your experience. If you view social media as a medium to create authentic connections with your consumers instead of just a selling method, you will see your business start to grow. Remember, patience is key. Now that we have run through 17 key tips, how will you start to build your social media presence?

Written by Kaitlin Duong


Jony Studios is a client-focused media production studio offering audio/video production, B2B podcasting, and audiobook services. They have worked with a wide range of clients from small businesses to larger organizations such as Penguin Random House, Amazon, University of Waterloo, Freakonomics Radio and many others.


Top 10 AI Voice Generators

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made many groundbreaking advances in recent years. Developing into such a powerful tool that is so easy to use. AI can imitate humans so convincingly that many industries have picked up the use of artificial speech.

Being able to quickly generate speech that sounds human is so beneficial for many people. But not knowing where to start is an issue that may discourage you. There are many options to choose from, but to make it simpler, here is a list of the best options.


To start, ElevenLabs has an amazing variety of tools for users looking for help with voiclines, audiobooks, chatbots, and more. With many voice options and even customizable voices, you can pick the desired language and give it a try.

ElevenLabs offers different levels of subscriptions, providing users with more characters and lengths of use. From $5 to $300, you can choose what level fits you best.

This super easy-to-use site makes your synthesised voice in 60 seconds. With the fully adjustable voice options, not only can you pick the type of voice you make, you can even replicate your voice. 

Murf AI

The studio in Murf AI is extremely user-friendly and professional. You have up to 120+ voices to choose from and a range of languages for any type of voiceover, speech, or reading you need. 

Murf AI is a trusted AI tool for many. You chose the plan you want ranging from $0-$75 a month, depending on your needs. There is also a free trial, giving you access to everything for 10 minutes to see if Murf AI is the right choice for you.

Murf AI is wonderful for getting down to the pitch, accents, speed, and emphasis with their tools. This quickly generated speech is almost identical to human speech, giving you the best quality for your work.

Resemble AI provides users with 60 languages, easy-to-use technology, and a variety of voices that can even replicate your own. There are so many tools that can be used on this powerful site. even has deepfake detection software that will help you find the difference between real and fake voices. 

The basic subscription here starts at $0.006 per second, providing you with the perfect amount of freedom to play around with. You can also demo before purchasing, and if you decide you want more, the pro subscription is waiting for you. All you have to do is contact them and receive a quote.


Speechify is an amazing text-to-speech tool that can help anyone who has trouble reading. Speechify can read back anything in realistic human voices, even replicating the voices of celebrities or yourself. 

With a free option, Speechify is an amazing place to start. A pro option is available for $139 a year. This will give you even more voice and languages, higher speed, and imported and scanned text options as opposed to just the text-to-speech feature of the free version. 

Speechify wants to focus on text-to-speech for users with learning disabilities and physical disabilities. Dyslexia, ADHD, vision problems, and more—they want to make reading accessible to everyone. Ranging in a bunch of languages makes this easy for anyone learning languages.


With complete customization, you can create a voice with the perfect tone and voice for any project you need. Using a wide range of languages, you have so much freedom with Synthesys.

Synthesys has options for everyone. With a free option, you can easily use voice, video, and image generations. For creators, they recommend the second option, which costs only $99 a month. Some may prefer the business option, which gives you an even bigger range of features and costs $198 a month. 

Play HT

Play HT has tons of amazing voice options, including an age range, language range, emotional range, and cloning option. They have endless possibilities for what you can do. They have so much more than most AI voice companies because of all the easily customized options. Their character options are also customizable, so you can make them say certain things differently according to your needs. 

With customizable pricing ranging from free to $99 a month, you can customize your plan.


LOVO is a text-to-speech AI that uses a wide range of characters and languages to produce realistic voices. You simply pick the character with the right tone and adjust as needed to fit whatever you need to read. They also have producer mode, where you can edit emphasis and pauses correctly to fit your needs. 

With 4 packages, you can decide how much you need from them as well as get a 50% discount for your first year in the higher 2 options. 

Not only do they have voices, but they can also do videos, art, and writing. 

Animaker Voice

Animaker Voice is an animation and voice site that quickly and easily generates any type of voice you need. With a simple, four-step method of making a voice, you can get anything you need. 

For around $19 a month, you can get the pro version, which gives you more voices, more storage, more voice options, and more. 


Listnr wants to give you the best AI voices possible. They have 1000+ voices in 500+ languages, giving you a wide range to experiment with and customize to fit your needs. Listnr is super easy to use and gives you editing access right where you make the voices. 

The levels of subscriptions are perfect to let you decide what exactly you want from them, giving you the best opportunity to make your voiceovers.


Respeecher is a tool made for content creators. It’s perfect for fillmamkers of any level to add or adjust voices in videos. They can also clone voices wonderfully, giving you the option to add in more dialog without needing the voice actor any more.

Important things to know

While AI Voice Generators are awesome and can come in handy, real-life narrators still have a lot of value and give that human touch that can go a long way. Some platforms don’t currently allow AI-generated narration. For example, ACX (Audible) still does not allow it for audiobooks, it has to be a real narrator.

Also, if you are a business leader who wrote a book and want to grow your brand, there is nothing more personal than narrating the book you wrote to your audience using your voice.

Although it can be challenging to find the time to go to a recording studio, there are new innovative methods that allow you to do it from the comfort of your own home while delegating everything else to a trusted audiobook production partner.

Do you think AI narrators will be able to replace human narrators?! Let us know in the comments below.


With how much technology has advanced, the new world of AI has become one of the biggest tools for many different types of people. From creators to small businesses, AI can help you create everything you need. These sites all have free versions that make it easy to get started. Now that AI has become such a helpful and important tool in the business world, it can only go up from here. Having a reliable source to help you is key to effectiveness. 

Written By Ali Grant


Jony Studios is a client-focused media production studio offering audio/video production, B2B podcasting, and audiobook services. They have worked with a wide range of clients from small businesses to larger organizations such as Penguin Random House, Amazon, University of Waterloo, Freakonomics Radio and many others.